Social Sciences, asked by geniusboys, 1 year ago

explain the different fhases the spread democracy in the world


Answered by parulbhatia
 a direct democracy , every single member of the group hasan equal say in every single decision. This is not workable on aday to day basis for large groups. In a representativedemocracy , people elect representatives , who vote on theissues. Representative democracy is the basis of constitutionaldemocracy . Representatives are chosen by the people toact in their best interest, not necessarily to vote the way thepeople want them to in every circumstance. Direct democracy is verydifficult to maintain when a population becomes too large. Some societies operate with a combination of both types ofdemocracy. For example, in some countries, such as France,Switzerland and the Republic of Ireland, some issues, for example,changes to the constitution, can be decided by a popular vote onthat specific issue. In some of the small Swiss cantons (states)such as Glarus, all citizens are entitled to attend an annualmeeting which votes retrospectively on the laws passed during thepreceding year by their representatives. and also credit to theperson who last posted this

How is athenian democracy different from American democracy?

Answer 1 Well, i know about 8 differences: 1. Athenians were divided into 10 tribes, however Americans aredivided into 50 states 2. Athenians elected 50 men from each tribe, however Americanselect by population 3. Athenians had a direct democracy (participated directly),however Americans have a representative democracy (electrepresentatives) 4. Athenians had the Council of Five Hundred, however Americanshave the Government 5. Athenians limited electing and voting rights to just men,however Americans have electing and voting rights to men and women 6. Athenians had slaves, however Americans don't have slaves (well,they used to until 1863 when all of the slaves were freed byAbraham Lincoln) 7. In Athens, women stayed at home and work, however in America,women participate in all kinds of daily activities, even in theArmy 8. In Athens, slaves were just captured war prisoners, however inAmerica, slaves were Africans who were treated as property due totheir dark skin. Answer 2 Athenian democracy was not the Rule of the People, but the Rule ofthe Demos, hence the name. Many people living in ancient Greecewere not part of the demos, most prominently of course, slaves.Also, just about everything else. Answer 3 There are two key differences between the type of democracypractices in ancient Athens, and modern American democracy. Firstly (and, the largest difference), the Athenians practiced direct democracy - citizens were expected to vote themselveson topics facing the government (and courts). The United States isa representative democracy - citizens elect one citizen toact as their proxy (representative) in the larger government. Secondly, citizenship in ancient Athens was significantly morerestrictive, and far less than the majority of residents of Athensheld citizenship. Athenian citizenship was based on age, gender,and to a certain extent tribal membership and wealth, with theright to vote being even further restricted; in addition, Athenspracticed slavery. American democracy is a form of universal suffrage, meaning that everyone is a citizen, and that the onlyreal restriction on voting is a minimum age (though voting isrestricted for certain peoples, mainly felons and the mentallyincompetent). As to the actual implementation of the governments, Athenian andAmerican government are radically different. See the links belowfor a better description of both forms of government, as thestructural differences are too extensive to summarize here. Answer 4 Original Greek "democracy" and current American "democracy" havefew differences. In the Greek form only the elite could participatein the process of important decisions. In the US form only tinygroup of elitists may make important decisions. Neither of them areactually democracies. Democracy's original meaning was "the people""to rule." It meant that the will of the majority of the governedwould become the supreme law of the land. That condition has neverexisted within any country on Earth simply because humanity hasnever before had the technology to define the true will of apopulation regarding all the issues that may affect them.

Is democracy different from non democracy?

It is not different there is mo such thing as a non democracy

How did roman democracy differ from greek democracy?

Novanet--> All male Greek citizens participated in the government.

What is phase difference?

A phase difference between two periodic signals is the time difference between two corresponding points on each signal. This time difference is usually measured in degrees or radians, but can be given as a unit of time as well.

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