Science, asked by parmarallpari113, 11 months ago

explain the different types of movements in plant with example pls pls guess fast answer reply
pls guess answer in short ​



Answered by jeyanishekar12


Phototrophic- movement of plant towards light( sunflower, moon flower)

Geotrophic- movement towards gravity

Thigmotrophic- movement towards touch

hydrotopic- movement towards water


Hope it helps

Answered by ash200616


there are two types of movements shown by plants

1. Tropic movements - Tropism is specific to the direction of the stimulus. Plants can either display a negative or positive movement in response to a stimulus. It is positive tropism when the movement is towards the direction of stimuli while it is negative tropism when the movement is away from the stimuli. Discussed below are a few types of tropism.

2. Nastic movement - Nastic movements are non-directional responses to stimuli (e.g. temperature, humidity, light irradiance), and are usually associated with plants. The movement can be due to changes in turgor or changes in growth. Decrease in turgor pressure causes shrinkage while increase in turgor pressure brings about swelling.


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