explain the different views present on view button of MS Office 2010
Depending on what you currently want to do with a document, you can work in any of Word's views: Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft. Each view serves a particular purpose, as described below. To switch views, you can click an icon in the status bar (see Figures 4.1and 4.6) or click an icon in the Document Views group on the View tab (Figure 4.7).
Figure 4.7 The Document Views group contains the same five view icons as the ones in the status bar.
Print Layout viewStandard documents, such as letters, memos, and reports, are often written and edited in Print Layout view. One advantage of working in this view is its adherence to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). The margins, headers, and footers correspond to the printed output. Pages are shown as equivalent pieces of paper with physical breaks between pages.
Full Screen Reading viewIf want to read or review a document, Full Screen Reading view (Figure 4.8) can help simplify the task.
Figure 4.8 Full Screen Reading view is especially useful for proofing documents, as well as reading ones you download or receive as email attachments.
To control Full Screen Reading view:
Do any of the following:To show single pages or pairs of facing pages, choose Show One Page or Show Two Pages from the View Options menu (Figure 4.9). Figure 4.9 View Options menu.To preview the pages as they'll print, choose Show Printed Page from the View Options menu.To change the text magnification, choose Increase Text Size or Decrease Text Size from the View Options menu.To enable or disable editing, choose Allow Typing from the View Options menu.To change pages, click an arrow button at the bottom of any page; click the left or right arrow icon in the Page controls; or press an arrow key, , or .To go directly to a page, click the Page control and choose a command from its menu, such as Go to First Page, Go to Last Page, or Go To (Figure 4.10). Figure 4.10 Navigation commands can be chosen from the Page control drop-down menu.If you're reviewing a document, you can choose Track Changes commands from the bottom of the View Options menu (see Figure 4.9).Choose other commands from the icons in the upper-left corner of the screen (Figure 4.11). Figure 4.11 Click an icon to highlight selected text, add a comment, save changes, or print.To exit Full Screen Reading view, click the close box (X) in the upper-right corner of the screen or press .Web Layout viewUse Web Layout view to create, view, and edit pages as they'll appear online when opened in a browser. By choosing Save As in the Backstage, you can save pages in several Web-compatible formats.
Outline viewUse Outline view to create, view, and edit outlines. (The initial table of contents for this book was created in Outline view.) For information about working in Outline view, see Chapter 6.
Draft viewWork in Draft view when speed is of primary importance. In Print Layout view, physical pages and breaks are drawn. Draft view displays a document as a continuous text scroll; page breaks are denoted by dashed lines. Because repagination occurs almost instantly as you compose, this is an ideal view if you have an older, slower computer.