Biology, asked by Tanaya12688, 9 months ago

explain the digestive system of cockroache with neat and lebel diagram ??​


Answered by gk129947








Q. 4


( 2 Votes )

Explain the digestive system of Cockroach with the help of a labelled sketch.

Class 11th

Biology - Exemplar

7. Structural Organisation in Animals


Cockroaches have an advanced and well differentiated digestive system which has all the necessary primary and accessory organs. Cockroaches are omnivorous in nature. Their alimentary canal consists of three parts:

(A) Foregut

(B) Midgut

(C) Hindgut

These can be further described as:

(A) Foregut: The foregut consists of the mouth in cockroaches. The buccal cavity is located after the mouth. It consists of the tongue and hypopharynx. After the buccal cavity, the pharynx is located which is further followed by oesophagus.

The oesophagus is a narrow tube-like structure which leads to an organ known as crop.

The crop is a large sac-like structure which is used for the storage of food materials ingested by the cockroach.

(B) Midgut: Midgut is a narrow and short tube like structure. It has an organ known as gizzard which grinds the food into simpler components. The gizzard has hepatic caeca which produces digestive enzymes.

(C) Hindgut: The hindgut is further divided into three major parts: Ileum, Colon, and Rectum. The Malpighian tubules are also present in the hindgut. Malpighian tubules help in the elimination of the nitrogenous wastes and convert them to uric acid. It also maintains the ion balance in the cockroaches. The anus is the last part of the digestive system of the cockroach.

Answered by sparshraghav123


11th Class Biology Structural Organisation In Animals

question_answer 1) Explain the digestive system of cockroach with the help of a labeled sketch.



The alimentary canal present in cockroach is divided into three regions that foregut, mid gut and hindgut. (i) Foregut includes mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus, crop and gizzard. (ii) Mouth cavity is a small space, surrounded by mouth parts. Food is crushed and actedupon by the salivary secretion in mouth. (iii) The mouth opens into a short tubular pharynx, leading towards the narrow tubularpassage called esophagus into a sac-like structure called crop which acts as astorage organ. (iv) The crop is further followed by gizzard (proventriculus). Gizzard the structurecomposed of thick circular muscles and thick inner cuticle forming six highly chitinousplates called as teeth. It associated with the grinding and crushing of food particles. Entire for gut is lined by a thick cuticle. (v)Mid gut or mesentron is about one-third middle part of alimentary canal. The internallining of mid gut is an endodermal epithelium of columnar cells raised into several smallvilli like folds. (vi) Anterior most part of mid gut surrounding the stomadaeal valve is called cardiac and finger like blind processes are called as enteric or hepatic caeca, present the junctionof foregut and mid gut. (vii) A ring of yellow filamentous structures formed between the mid gut. and hindgut arecalled Malpighian tubules help in the removal of excretory products from haemolymph. (viii) Hindgut is the remaining one-third posterior part of alimentary canal. It is relatively thicker than the mid gut is lined by cuticle and ectodermal epithelium. (ix) Hindgut is differentiated into three parts, i.e., anterior ileum, middle, colon and posteriorrectum. Ileum is short and relatively narrower and its cuticle bears minute spines. Colon is the longest, relatively thicker and a coiled part of hindgut. Rectum is a smalland oval chamber that opens out through anus.

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