Explain the Discovery of Proton—Anode Rays
Protons are positively charged particles that reside in the nucleus of an atom. ... The discovery of protons can be attributed to Rutherford. In 1886 Goldstein discovered existence of positively charged rays in the discharge tube by using perforated cathode. These rays were named as anode rays or canal rays.
Discovery of protons
Protons are subatomic particles that, with neutrons and electrons, are the principal constituents of atoms.
Protons are positively charged particles that reside in the nucleus of an atom. These protons add the overall positive charge of a molecule. The mass of the proton is 1.6727g x 10 raised to -24, the electron 9.110g x 10 raised to -28.
Through scientific discovery, protons have been accepted as the particle that contributes to the positive charge of an atom. The discovery of protons can be attributed to Rutherford.
In 1886 Goldstein discovered existence of positively charged rays in the discharge tube by using perforated cathode. These rays were named as anode rays or cannal rays.
In 1899, Rutherford discovered alpha and beta ‘rays’ from uranium. He later demonstrated that alpha rays are the nuclei of helium atoms. He discovered in 1914 that the nucleus of an atom constituted and extremely dense but small fraction of the volume of an atom and that this nucleus was positive in charge.
Given the discoveries of electrons in 1897 by Thomson, Rutherford and other scientists decided that a positively charged particle must exist to center the electron to create equally neutral atoms.
Thomson proposed the name ‘positive rays’. Rutherford, in 1914, suggested that this something that was positively charged or the sportive ray of Thomson was a particle.
He gave the name ‘positive electron’ to it. The word ‘proton’ was assigned to this particle by 1920.
Rutherford continued to do research until his death, but the proton was his last big discovery
Anode ray Discovery
An anode ray (also positive ray or canal ray) is a beam of positive ions that is created by certain types of gas-discharge tubes. They were first observed in Crookes tubes during experiments by the German scientist Eugen Goldstein, in 1886.[1] Later work on anode rays by Wilhelm Wien and J. J. Thomson led to the development of mass spectrometry.