Explain the duties of secretary before, during and after the Annual Genera] Meeting.
Below are some things to consider and tips for leaders before, during, and after a meeting.
Before the Meeting
1. Meeting Notices:
• Give members notice well in advance of meetings.
• Set the schedule.
• Stick to the schedule.
2. Time Management:
Committee members’ time is valuable; they are volunteering to be here.
• THANK THEM for attending
• Express your gratitude by starting and ending on time.
• If necessary to complete work, suggest a conference call between meetings.
3. Prepare:
• You may need to jumpstart the conversation, review all relevant material (last
meeting minutes, supporting documents or handouts, etc.) before the meeting.
4. Orientation:
Committee volunteers appreciate a short briefing at the start of the year.
• Explain expectations & commitments
o i.e. How many meetings? How many hours?
During the Meeting
1. Explain meeting expectations & introductions
2. Seating:
• Don’t miss the opportunity to be in the “best seat of the house”.
• Be seen and have room to spread out.
• Take advantage of the power of seating by arriving first.
3. Guests:
• From time to time your group may have a guest speaker, presenter, etc.
• Be respectful – introduce guests to the other members.
• Use name tents or badges for committee members (notify staff to be included in
your meeting materials).
The Secretary's Responsibilities at the Annual General Meeting:
Earlier than the Meeting:
- He must ensure that the Annual Accounts are prepared in accordance with the Act's requirements and that they have been properly audited and certified by the Company's Auditors.
- Together with the Chairman, he is responsible for creating the agenda and sending out notices for the board meeting that will take place right before the annual general meeting.
- He must work with the Chairman to draught the Annual Report of the Directors.
- All members must receive the notice of the annual general meeting, along with the relevant forms, from him.
- In conjunction with the Chairman, he is to draught the address.
During the meeting:
- He is in charge of making sure nobody is allowed to enter the general meeting.
- He is to assist the Chairman in determining whether there is or is not a quorum.
- He must read the announcement calling the meeting.
- He must assist the Chairman by giving him the relevant data.
- He is to assist the meeting's chairman in running it.
- He's supposed to record everything that happens.
Soon after the meeting:
- He is required to draught the minutes and obtain the chairman's signature.
- The decisions and resolutions made during the meeting must be carried out by him.
- He must submit the required paperwork to the Registrar.
- He must include any changes that were made to the Memorandum or Articles of Association that was approved during the meeting.