English, asked by khullakpamkarishma, 11 months ago

explain the educational implication of a study of heredity and environment?(10mark)


Answered by jammu77
Every educator or teacher must be fully acquainted with the processes and laws of heredity. (i) He must know that every individual is born with certain inborn traits. As these are innate, he cannot change these. There is a limit to the improvement that he can make in this regard, as is said, ‘thus far shalt thou go and no further.

(ii) But although the inborn traits are there the child may or may not use his special talents. Much depends upon how he uses these. “The cards of life,” says Radhakrishnan, “are placed on the table. The success of the game depends more upon the players than upon the cards,” Nunn also emphasizes the same point when he says that the principal factor in the process of development is the child himself, and that he can make what use he will of his hereditary endowment and his educational opportunities.

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