Explain the enumerate() function from Iterators & Generators. DONT SPAM! NEED CORRECT ANSWERS. Thanks ♥ :D
Iterators - The primary purpose of an integrator is to allow a user to process every element of a container while isolating the user from internal structure of the container this allows the container to store elements in any manner it uses the while allowing the user to treat it as if it were a simple sequence or list.
Generatar - a signal of function generator is a device that can produce various patterns of a voltage at a variety of frequencies and a common use is to test response of cycles to no input signal most function generation stres allow you to generate sine squire aur triangular AC function signals
Enumerate() function :-
The enumerate() function takes any iterable such as a list as an argument and returns a special enumerate object which consists of pairs containing an element of an original iterable along with their index within the iterable. We can use the list() function to convert the enumerate object into a list of tuples.
In []: stocks = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'TSLA']
In []: en_object = enumerate(stocks)
In []: en_object
Out[]: <enumerate at 0x7833948>
In []: list(en_object)
Out[]: [(0, 'AAPL'), (1, 'MSFT'), (2, 'TSLA')]
The enumerate object itself is also iterable, and we can loop over while unpacking its elements using the following clause :-
In [] : for index, value in enumerate(stocks):
...: print(index, value)
◘ It is the default behaviour to start an index with 0. We can alter this behaviour using the start parameter within the enumerate() function.
In [] : for index, value in enumerate(stocks, start=10):
...: print(index, value)