explain the experimental evidence of the theory of learning by conditioning. 6marks
Answer: This may help you
This is learning from the behavioristic viewpoint. According to this viewpoint learning is ‘formation of conditioned reflexes’ or “acquisition of involuntary anticipatory adjustment” or “a habit formation”, so that behaviour may become automatic.
By “anticipatory adjustment” he means “organic behaviour” which is “not complete” but “with a gap in the whole equilibrium pattern”. For example, hunger function of the stomach etc., are the organic behaviour with a gap and so incomplete.
It becomes complete when the object of hunger is obtained. Importance of anticipatory adjustment is very great because, firstly, it is the foundation of all voluntary behaviour. Secondly, it is the active desires that sets the goal and makes the organism strive. Thirdly, it determines “the mindset” or “organic pattern of readiness”.
Unless this organic pattern takes place within, no real learning can appear. If we can control this anticipatory adjustment we can also control learning. This controlled learning is the conditioned learning. In this the thing to be learnt is termed as, ‘cue stimulus,’ and this is then followed by a satisfying stimulus. This combination is repeated again and again and ultimately the learning of the “cue-stimulus” is established. This is conditioned learning.