English, asked by Divijyesta276, 10 months ago

Explain the expression 'taking for his own again' from the poem tiptoe night by John Drinkwater


Answered by Anonymous


Explain the expression 'taking for his own again' from the poem tiptoe night by John Drinkwate✌✔✔✔

In the poem “Tiptoe night” by the poet John Drinkwater has described about emergence of dusk from the dawn. It is a form of poem which describes about the entry of dusk or night to the children. The poet says that the night is emerging down the lane through tiptoe silently making all the birds and little flowers to sleep.

There are no imprints of his foot print or any sound in the air but still the poet knows that the night has come. Till the night reaches poet's garden gate and window sill of his house, he keeps on watching and counting the emergence of night.

Answered by dikshapandey14


what is happing at the garden gate?

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