Explain the Extraction of Aluminium?
It is first concentrated by gravity separation of ferric oxide impurities by the process of magnetic separation. The ore is then concentrated by chemical process. Bauxite is the name given to aluminium ore. To generate aluminium oxide, bauxite is purified, a white powder form which aluminium can be extracted
Aluminium is the most abundant (found in large quantities) metal in the Earth's crust. It is expensive, largely because of the amount of electricity required in the extraction process.
Aluminium ore is called bauxite. The bauxite is purified to produce aluminium oxide, a white powder from which aluminium can be extracted.
The extraction is done by electrolysis. The ions in the aluminium oxide must be free to move so that electricity can pass through it. Aluminium oxide has a very high melting point (over 2000°C) so it would be expensive to melt it. Aluminium oxide does not dissolve in water, but it does dissolve in molten cryolite. This is an aluminium compound with a lower melting point than aluminium oxide. The use of cryolite reduces some of the energy costs involved in extracting aluminium.