Explain the factors influencing of the climate of the india.......
1) LATITUDE - Due to the curvature of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received is different according to the latitudes.
2) ALTITUDE - As we go higher, temperature generally decreases (From equator to poles) as the atmosphere becomes less dense.
3) PRESSURE AND WIND SYSTEM - They depend on the latitude and altitude of a place, thus influencing the rainfall patterns.
4) DISTANCE FROM SEA - The sea has a moderating effect on the climate. As distance from sea increases, this effect decreases and places experience extreme weather conditions (continentality).
5) OCEAN CURRENTS - They affect the climate of the coastal areas with the onshore winds.
6) RELIEF - High mountains act as barriers for cold/hot winds, may also cause precipitation if they are high enough and lie in the path of rain bearing winds. The leeward side of the mountains remains dry.
Indian climate is influenced by various geographical factors as below :
• The Tropic of Cancer divides the country roughly into two parts.
• Areas that lie to the south of this parallel experience high temperature throughout the year.
• The areas in the north of this parallel comparatively experience low temperatures.
• Coastal areas are neither too hot nor too cold .
• They enjoy equable climate.
Example : Mumbai
• On the contrary the places which are sorrounded by land on all the sides experience extreme or Continental type of climate .
Example : Delhi
• Himalayan ranges act as a barrier to the cold winds from Central Asia.
• They also cause rainfall in the country by obstructing rain bearing monsoon winds from crossing the country.
• There is a gradual decrease in the temperature with increase in the height.
• Places such as Ooty have cold climate though they are situated in the Peninsular India close to equator.
• Temperature and air pressure condition cause different local climate in different parts of country.
Example : in winter winds blow from the land to sea and a very dry. In summer the winds blow from sea to land cause heavy rainfall.