Biology, asked by llTheMeteorGirL, 17 days ago

Explain the factors responsible for population explosion in India. ​


Answered by Anonymous


Before discussing the factors, first of all let's understand what actually 'Population Explosion' means. Population Explosion (a serious global concern) refers to the rapid and a massive rise in the world population that has occurred over the last few hundred years. Some of the reasons responsible for the sharp rise in 'World Human Population' in the recent past are as follows :

  • Better Health care.
  • Fewer Deaths.
  • Food shortages minimised.
  • Improved nutrition.
  • Large scale immunisation.
  • Fewer infant deaths.

As a result of all the above factors, even if a couple has only 2-3 children, the total population rises sharply. More and more children are reaching the reproductive age and they contribute to population growth. Let's discuss the factors responsible for population explosion in India !!


 \pmb{ \rm \: Factors \:  responsible \:  for  \: population  \: explosion \:  in  \: India}

(1) Illiteracy - Most of the rural population which forms the bulk of our society are still illiterate, ignorant and superstitious. They also do not know the functioning of the human reproductive system.

(2) Traditional Beliefs - Among the people from lower strata of society, children are regarded as a gift of God and a sign of prosperity. Therefore, they make no effort to avoid pregnancy.

(3) Mortality rate - Due to high infant mortality rate in our country, people from the economically weaker section think it safer to produce more children so that at least some may survive.

(4) Economic Reasons - Children are considered to be helping hands to increase the family income.

(5) Religious and social customs - India is a centre of various religious and social customs, and as such most people do not accept family planning norms.

(6) Desire for a male child - Most Indian families still hold the view that a male child is essential for keeping up the name of the family.

(7) Lack of recreation - Poor standard of living and poverty provide no recreation other than sex.

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Additional Information

At this rate, we in India have already numbered more than 1.21 billion and would overtake China in the year 2025 or so, to become Top most in population - something not to be proud of at all. Can we afford such a rise in population ? Can our resources - food and other requirements of life keep pace with rising population !!


It is necessary that the people should be educated about the need to limit the population and about the steps which can be taken in this direction :-

1) The message about population problem should reach as many people as possible including those living in very remote areas.

2) The orthodox view, to have atleast one son especially in Indian society, should be modified.

3) The married couples should be educated to delay the birth of their first child, to space the second with sufficient interval for proper upbringing and to stop the third.

4) Marriageable age should be higher.

Yuseong: Awesome! ☃
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