Science, asked by papaji001, 1 year ago

explain the factors responsible for the depletion of water table in full explain and dont spam and copy net plz ???


Answered by Anonymous


increasing population = due to inappropriate withrawal of water from sources like river , lakes and apuifers , our world is heading towards a major freashwater crisis . increasing population creates more demand for drinking water , for construction activities and infrastructure development . so , the usage of the water table is decreasing . more buildings . concreate floors and roads allow lesser amount of water to seep through the soil . as a result , all across the world , and mostly in cities , the water table has gone down to alarmingly low levels .

increasing industrial and agricultural activities = globally , we use around 67 % water for agricultere . other activities that consume water are house hold chores (9%) water supply (8%) power generation like electricty and gas (7%) manufacturing (4%) mining (2%) and other activities (3%) . therefore with increasing industirial and agricultural activities , more water is drawn from the ground and as a result the water table goes down at a faster rate .


Answered by Anonymous

Answer: ⤵️

The factors responsible for the depletion of water table are as follows:

(i)Increasing population:⤵️

As a result of increasing population, all the facilities such as houses, shops, roads, offices, pavements, etc. increase to fulfil the increasing demands. This, in turn, decreases the open area for seepage of water into the ground.

(ii)Increasing industries:⤵️

Most of the stages of manufacturing processes in industries require water. If the number of industries increases, then the water required by them will also increase. Therefore, increase of industries contributes to the depletion of water table.

(iii)Agricultural activities:⤵️

India is an agricultural country and agriculture is impossible without water. The water for agriculture is mainly utilised from ground water, rain water and canal water. As there is no rainfall in many places, agriculture cannot be entirely depended on rain water. Also, canal water is available in a few places only. Therefore, ground water is the main source of water for agricultural activities and this causes depletion of water table.

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