Biology, asked by stutyraghuwansh8714, 11 months ago

Explain The Female Reproductive System with the help of Diagram


Answered by ritu8aug


The female reproductive system contains different parts which are described as follows:

1) Ovary: There are pair of ovaries which contains the germinal cells. The germ cells develop to form follicles and the egg. There is one egg produced and released every month.

2) Fallopian tubes: The egg which is released enters the fallopian tube through ostium. There are fimbriae which are finger like projections around the pore of osmium. There are three parts of the fallopian tube, infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. The ampulla is the site of fertilisation of the egg and the sperm.

3) Uterus: This is the sac-like structure in the lower part of the abdomen in the female body. There are linings of the cells in the uterus. The cell lining proliferate during the process of implantation. This is the structure which is involved in the implantation of the foetus. The bag holds the developing embryo during the period of gestation.

4) Cervix: This is the structure which is present at the lower region of the uterus. The cervix opens to allow the entry of sperm and during the child birth.

5) Vagina: This is tube like region which gets open in the outer region of the female body through vulva. This is the region through which the sperms move towards the egg for fertilisation. This is also called as the birth canal through which the child comes out.


Answered by govindrana


  • Female reproductive system consists of two ovary which are also known as female reproductive organ and they produce ova or ovum and they travel down to the utrus through a narrow tube called fallopian tube and in the utrus the baby is kept for 9 months and the narrow part of the utrus where it joint with the outer part is called vagina and the outer part is know as cervix or birth canal
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