explain the first stanza of the poem Sunday by rabindranath tagore
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and all other days
Come fast from far
In their home, I am sure that each one has
A big motor car !
Mother dear, why does Sunday
Tarry long his ways ?
Why does he come so slow,
After the other days,
Unlike others is his home
In the sky away manyfold ?
Like you, does his mother come
From a poor household ?
When Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday come
As if they mean to stay,
They never think of their homes
And dream of going away.
O Mother, why is Sunday always
In such an awful hurry ?
The hours seem to strike at half
As if they are in flurry,
In his home beyond the sky has he
Lot of work on hold ?
Like you, does his mother come
From a poor household ?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Have faces glum
To little kids they never
Become a chum.
But when I awake at the end
Of Saturday night
I see the Sunday greet me
With a smile so bright.
When he says farewell to us
Tears he can't withhold.
Like you, does his mother come
From a poor household ?