Explain the five steps involved in digestive system?
The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation
The digestive system ingests and digests food, absorbs released nutrients, and excretes food components that are indigestible. The six activities involved in this process are ingestion, motility, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
The five steps which occur in the process of nutrition in animals are Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion.
Ingestion is the process the food is taken inside through mouth and broken down by teeth and initial digestion takes place in the mouth by saliva.
Digestion is the process in which food is digested by using few enzymes and is used by the cells for producing energy.
Absorption is the process in which cells use the energy from the digested food and helps in building tissues in our body.
Assimilation is the process in which digested food moves into the cells of the body.
Egestion is the process in which undigested food is removed out from the body through excretion