explain the following 1)Hypogeny 2)Perigeny 3) Epigeny
Based on the position of the ovary flowers are categorized to 3 types they are Hypogynous, Epigynous, and Perigynous flowers.
Hypogynous: Flowers in which the sepals, petals, and stamens are attached below the ovary are called hypogynous, and the ovaries of such flowers are said to be superior.
Eg: tomato, tulip, and snapdragon.
Epigynous: Flowers in which the sepals, petals, and stamens appear to be attached to the upper part of the ovary due to the fusion of the hypanthium are called epigynous, and the ovaries of such flowers are said to be inferior. Eg: daffodil
Perigynous: Flowers types in which the hypanthium forms a cuplike or tubular structure that partly surrounds the ovary are called perigynous. In such flowers, the sepals, petals, and stamens are attached to the rim of the hypanthium, and the ovaries of such flowers are superior.
Eg: cherry, Prunus
1. in flowers the condition in which the calyx , corolla and stamens are inserted in to the receptacles or axis , below and free from the ovary
2. having sepals , petals and stamen around the edge of a cup like receptacle contain a ovary as in flower in the rose or cherry
3. the manisfestation of Christ to the gentitles as represent by the magi