Science, asked by hashmifaruqali, 4 months ago

explain the following concepts in your own words with everyday examples force , work , displacement ,velocity , acceleration , distance


Answered by Anonymous

Force : It is push or pull which changes the state of an object.

For example, if the ball is rolling on the ground and if the external force is not applied to it then the ball will come to rest due to force of friction.

Work: Work is defined as a force which causes the displacement of an object.

For example, if an object is acted upon by the force of 20 N and if is displaced by disatnce of 8 cm then the woork done is 160 J to move the object from the rest.

Displacement: The shortest distance travelled by an object from its initial position to final position is called displacement.

For example, if a particle is moving in circular path of radius 20 cm from its initial point A and after sometime reach point A again then the displacement of the particle will be zero as its final and initial point are same.

Acceleration: The rate of chnage of velocity with respect to time is called acceleration.

For example, if a driver decreases the speed of car from 25m/s to 10 m/s in 5 seconds then the accelartion of the car is

a= (v-u)/t = (10-25)/5 =-15/5= - 3 m/s2

Negative sign indicates that the car is deccelerating.

Distance: Distance travelled is actual length of path covered by a body or an object.

For exampe, if a particle is moving along the cirumference of circular path of radius 20 cm from its initial point A and after sometime reach point A again then the distance covered by the body the particles is 2∏r =2 x 3.14 x 20 = 125.6 cm.

Velocity =The velocity of an object is the rate of change of its position with respect to a frame of reference, and is a function of time. Velocity is equivalent to a specification of an object's speed and direction of motion (e.g. 60 km/h to the north).


Answered by ᏞovingHeart

{\huge{\textsf{\textbf{Appropriate Question :}}}}  


Explain the following concepts in your own words with everyday examples force, work, displacement, velocity, acceleration, distance


{\huge{\textsf{\textbf{Answer :}}}}


  • Force: It is any kind of push or pull on a body due to another body when the bodies interact with each other. It is a vector quantity.

Example: A person applies a force in the form of push or pull to open a door.

  • Work: It is defined as the work done by a force that causes a displacement in an object. It is a scalar quantity.

Example: A child does work when he drags a toy car on the ground.

  • Displacement: It is the shortest distance between the initial and final position of an object. It is a vector quantity.

Example: When we go to a mall for shopping from our house and then return to the house, the displacement would be 0 as our initial position (house) and final position (house) is same.

  • Velocity: Velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement. It is a vector quantity.

Example: A car running on a straight road has some velocity.

  • Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity is known as acceleration. It is a vector quantity.

Example: If a car is moving on a straight with variable speed, it will posses some acceleration. In case the speed of the car remains same but the direction of car changes, then also the car would be accelerating.

  • Distance: It is the actual path length covered by an object during its motion. It is a scalar quantity.

Example: When we go to a mall for shopping from our house and then return to the house, the distance travelled by us would be twice the distance between our house and the mall.


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