Business Studies, asked by 2aboode47, 3 months ago

Explain the following principles of "scientific management"

a) Science not a rule of thumb

b) Co operation, not individualism


Answered by aasthapramodsingh26


Rule of Thumb means decisions taken by manager as per their personal judgments. ... According to Taylor, even a small production activity like loading iron sheets into box cars can be scientifically planned. This will help in saving time as well as human energy.

Cooperation, Not Individualism: This principle is an extension of principle of 'Harmony, not discord' and lays stress on mutual cooperation between workers and the management. Cooperation, mutual confidence, sense of goodwill should prevail among both, managers as well as workers.

Answered by ap0930826




a) Essential scientific management consists of observation and analysis of each task , determination of the standard work selecting and training men to perform their job and ensuring the work is done in most efficient manner .

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