Explain the following protocols Top/IP ,Http,ptp,sshp,sccp,SMTP,pop
Answer →
✴️IP →
IP stands for internet protocol. On the internet every computer that is called "node" have a unique IP address. IP address is a protocol that uniquely identify the computer from all other computers on the internet.
✴️Http →
Http stands for Hyper text transfer protocol. Http is a protocol that connects links on World wide Web. Http is responsible for making hyperlinks.
▶️Note - Https means Secure connection.
✴️PTP -
PTP stands for Precision Time Protocol. PTP is a protocol that is used to Synchronise clocks throughout a computer network.
✴️SSHP →
SSH stands for secure shell. SSH File transfer protocol is a network protocol that provide file access , file transfer , and file management over any data structure or network.
✴️SCCP →
SCCP stands for Skinny Call/client Control Protocol. SCCP is a proprietary network terminal control protocol that is originally designed by selsius systems.
✴️SMTP →
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is a protocol that is responsible for sending Email from one node to another node. SMTP is a TCP/IP protocol.
▶️Note → By using MIME extension we can send multimedia or Non ASCII files with email via SMTP protocol.
✴️POP →
POP stand for Post Office Protocol. POP is a protocol that is used to receiving emails on the destination computer. Using POP protocol user can download the email and will be able to see the e-mail even while he is not connected to internet .
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IP stands for internet protocol.
on the internet every computer that is called node have a unique ip address. ip address is a protocol that uniquely identifies the computer from all other computer on the internet.