Explain the following terms: Human Resource, Investment, Productivity, Economic activities, Market activities, Non-market activites, Non-economic activities, Human Capital Formation, Unemployment, Disguised unemployment, Seasonal
unemployment, Literacy Rate, Infrastructure, Infant Mortaity Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate.(Please give me the answer correct)
1) human resources= the resourcs which are created by humans and are helpful in diffent ways are known as human resources...
2) Investmet= the amount payed in a buissness or its futhure profit is cld investment.
3) Productivity = the growth occcured in a buisens is termed as productivity.
4) economic activites= Economic activity is the activity of making, providing, purchasing, or selling goods or services. Any action that involves producing, distributing, or consuming ...
5) market activities= Market activities involve remuneration to any one who performs activity performed for pay or profit. These include production of goods or services including government service.
6)non market activites=Non market activites are those activities that have no financial transactions. It includes production for self consumption and hence, there is no profit associated with these activities.
7) non economic activites=Non-economic activity is an activity performed with the purpose of rendering services to others without any consideration to financial gain. Those activities which are initiated for personal content or to meet human sentiments are non-economic activities.
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mark it as branliest ... too much efforts done for your answer..