Explain the formation and mechanism of osazone in hindi
ऑस्ज़ोन कार्बनिक रसायन में पाए जाने वाले कार्बोहाइड्रेट व्युत्पन्न का एक वर्ग है, जब शर्करा को फेनिलहाइड्राजाइन की अधिकता के साथ प्रतिक्रिया दी जाती है। ... सभी शक्कर को कम करने से ओजोन बनते हैं। इसलिए, सुक्रोज, उदाहरण के लिए, ओस्ज़ोन क्रिस्टल नहीं बनाते हैं क्योंकि यह एक गैर-कम करने वाली चीनी है क्योंकि इसमें कोई मुक्त कार्बोनिल समूह नहीं है।
The lewis structure of ozone is represented as follows -
First consider how bonds are between two oxygen molecules. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons, of which 2 are unpaired. It thus combines with the two unpaired electrons present in another oxygen molecule. Thus each oxygen atom has a complete octet of electrons. Now, we have a third oxygen atom, with two unpaired and two lone pairs of electrons to combine with this oxygen molecule.
The central oxygen molecule donates an electron pair to this third oxygen atom. However by donating an electron pair, it itself becomes electron deficient, and thereby acquires a positive charge. The third oxygen atom, by accepting this electron pair, completes its octet but also becomes electron rich and thus acquires negative charge.
Due to resonance, this negative charge can reside on any of the terminal oxygen atoms, but the central oxygen atom will always carry a positive charge.
Ozone formation occurs by free radical mechanism.
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