Explain the four contributory factors in old age homes locally and globally
The four contributory factors to old age home locally and globally are given as follows:
1. Poor conditions such that one is unable to fulfil one's basic needs or not having any proper place to live.
2. Loneliness mainly after the demise of one's partner, and being neglected by their children.
3. To avoid taking up the responsibility of terminally sick parents, some children send them to old age homes.
4. Post-retirement boredom and loneliness, to get companions.
Some significant contributors to the old-age homes, locally and globally include:
1. Dependency
Ageing is an inevitable part of everybody’s life. When the aged people are sent to these old age homes and are made dependent for meals and everyday tasks, they start feeling depressed.
2. Isolation
As their children are not bothered about them and create spaces from them, they start feeling lonely.
3. Boredom
Not accompanied by a partner or friends during this time and restricted physical activity leads to boredom in this age.
4. Physical Stress
In these homes, health issues and continuous medications can cause physical stress leading to frustration.