Science, asked by Brajnishsingh505, 8 months ago

Explain the function of human eye and structure


Answered by rameshkarjol61


The human eye is an organ that reacts to light and allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina allow conscious light perception and vision including color differentiation and the perception of depth. The human eye can differentiate between about 10 million colors[1] and is possibly capable of detecting a single photon.[2] The eye is part of the sensory nervous system.

Human eye

Eye-diagram no circles border.svg

1. vitreous body 2. ora serrata 3. ciliary muscle 4. ciliary zonules 5. Schlemm's canal 6. pupil 7. anterior chamber 8. cornea 9. iris 10. lens cortex 11. lens nucleus 12. ciliary process 13. conjunctiva 14. inferior oblique muscle 15. inferior rectus muscle 16. medial rectus muscle 17. retinal arteries and veins 18. optic disc 19. dura mater 20. central retinal artery 21. central retinal vein 22. optic nerve 23. vorticose vein 24. bulbar sheath 25. macula 26. fovea 27. sclera 28. choroid 29. superior rectus muscle 30. retina

Answered by omprakashmalviya2000


• Light from an object enters the pupil of the eye and then falls upon the lens.

• The lens is a convex lens and hence converges the light rays to produce a real, inverted

image on the retina.

• Retina has several light sensitive nerve cells (rods and cones) that generate an electrical


• The visual image formed at retina is picked up by the optic nerve and sent to brain.

• In our brain, the image is reversed and finally an upright image is seen by us.

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