Accountancy, asked by salinapoudel06, 10 months ago

Explain the functions of an office​


Answered by albertriju

An office performs a number of managerial functions such as planning, organising, directing, coordinating, communicating. Therefore, managerial functions help in smooth functioning of the organisation. The office will involve identifying different assets and resource requirement for business.


Functions of an office

1. Primary or basic functions

2. Auxiliary or administrative management functions

Primary or basic functions

An office basically performs those functions that are related to information management. It helps in receiving, recording, arranging, analyzing and transmitting information.

A. Receiving and collecting information

Receiving and collecting different types of information from the different types of sources is the primary function of an office. The information is received from two sources. They are internal and external. Letters, invoices, circulars, notices, memos are the internal sources and supplier, customers, government, banks are the external sources.

Hope it helps


Answered by sujiitsingh567

The information kept by the office must be complete and accurate, and it must be provided to the authorities as soon as possible. It is a huge advantage if the information supply is also kept in a place where it is easily visible and accessible at all times. 1. Management role:

What is the purpose of a modern office?

In short, the OFFICE functions include controlling, processing, storing, striving, and distributing information. The functions of a modern office can be classified into the following categories: 1. Fundamental or routine functions 2. Administrative management or auxiliary functions

An office's functions

1. Primary or fundamental functions

2. Administrative or auxiliary management functions

Primary or fundamental functions

An office primarily handles functions related to information management. It aids in receiving, recording, organizing, analyzing, and transmitting data.

A. Receiving and collecting information The primary function of an office is to receive and collect various types of information from various sources. The information comes from two different sources. There are two types: internal and external. Internal sources include letters, invoices, circulars, notices, and memos, while external sources include suppliers, customers, the government, and banks.

To learn more about functions of an office.....


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