Explain the Greenhouse Effect. No googling please.
The Greenhouse Effect:
Most of the Sun's radiation are reflected back into space while some are absorbed by the earth. The Green House Effect is the result of burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and methane which results in a build-up carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases in the atmosphere due to human activities. These pollutants trap solar radiation in the atmosphere and thereby raising the temperature of the earth which will bring about devastating consequences.
Almost three quarters of the globe is water. With the melting of the polar caps half of the remaining land would vanish. The melting of the polar ice caps due to global warming will increase the water level of the oceans and coastal areas and island nations will be submerged under water.
Nearer home, Bangladesh and the Maldives islands will be among the first to disappear under water. The other fearsome outcome of global warming is sudden and unexpected extreme weather changes which will be destructive to people and their crops. Growing population puts pressure on the land as more forests and vegetation are cleared for settlement. Development continues without any consideration for the fragile ecology. Both are responsible for strengthening the process of global warming.
Where will the millions of people living in Blangladesh go when the ocean level raised? The only place for them to go is India.