explain the harvesting of cardamom
The following are the important points to be remembered at the various stages.
Use only high yielding varieties having colour and uniform bold capsules for planting.
Planting material should be procured from disease free areas.
Control of pests may be carried out with minimum use of recommended insecticides. As far as possible use bio- pesticides. Pesticides banned in the importing countries should never be used.
Harvest the crop at right maturity.
Do not use pesticide/ fertilizer bags for collection of capules during harvest.
Donot delay removing capsules from the spikes after harvest.
Remove capsules from the outer and middle whirls and collect them in one lot and those from the inner whirls in another lot.
Remove extraneous matter and wash thoroughly the harvested produce before drying.
Adopt flue pipe system of curing to retain the original colour, aroma and flavour.
Dry the capsules immediately after harvest.
Dried cardamom should not contain more than 10% moisture for better shelf life.
Remove tails after drying.
Grade according to size and colour and store in moist proof containers.
Use polythene lined gunny bags for storing.
Store in dry places and in wooden boxes.
Take necessary precaution against rat and insect damages
The dried cardamom may be preferably sold soon after drying provided the growers get remunerative price, as long storage may lead to deterioration of quality.