Explain the impact of society on science technology by man..
Science the study of truths of nature. In the society the impact on science technology was. It is a key to spread the study of nature. It will be the first one to diversity and inclusion of the world. It is a great opportunity for us to develop the skills and knowledge of nature. And other work.⭐
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To the primitive man , the earth was like a platter . He did not dare to venture to places unknowns to him , lest he should fall off the edges . The sun , the moon and the stars amazed him . These heavenly bodies were held in great reverence . He was helpless and at the mercy of nature . Hence , he worshipped its forces . The invention of the wheel and the discovery of fire were the achievements of primitives man . The initiation into the scientific arena was 'a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind '.