explain the importance and implementation of community based interventions and farmer based interventions for water management. this the question given in my exam.i written about only drip irrigation,percolating tanks and contour trenches .my answer is correct or not?
Importance and implementation of community based interventions for water management are:
• The community people often has detailed knowledge related to use and needs of water along with the historical change that has occurred in relation to water use
• They can realize that water is the fundamental component of their livelihoods which in return helps to weave the relationship between water users.
• The communities can recognize and agrre to use the only amount of water that is required for their daily activities.
• They undertake effective participation in conflict and dispute resolution related to water resource management.
Importance and implementation of farmer based interventions for water management are:
• Proper planning and managing the farm activities by taking into account the availability of water resources.
• Implementation of safety, quality and transperacy of water and that the water saving equipments reduces the demand for water.
• Accessing to different types of soils that have water holding capacity to minimize regular use of water.
Importance and implementation of community based interventions for Water Management:
- The community people use water with proper planning even if the water is not continuous in their community.
- Since water plays the prominent role in everyone’s life, they perfectly build smooth relationship with their community people and divide the usage of water poorly.
- The importance of water are even taught to kids in the community to enrich the usage of water among kids properly.
Importance and implementation of Farmer based interventions for Water Management:
- Farm activities are planned perfectly to use the water in their farm resources.
- More than community people, farmers save the rain the water for house hold purposes in drum or well so that they may not depend on the other sources water.
- Proper water usage is planned for different types of soil.