Economy, asked by anjalikumawat71, 1 year ago

explain the importance of green revolution
use following points like
1. industrialisation
2. more variety of crops
3. modernisation
4. facilities


Answered by cutieeee10101
The Green Revolution, which was a period when the productivity of global agriculture increased drastically as a result of new advances, was a very important period in agricultural history.The Green Revolution in India stands for major technological breakthroughs in food grain production based on (i) improved seeds of high-yielding varieties, (ii) adequate and stable supply of water for irrigation, and (iii) increased and appropriate application of chemical fertilisers for increasing agricultural yield.

List of Advantages of Green Revolution

It allows agricultural operations on a large scale.
It has the potential to be able to grow any crop anywhere.
It eliminates the need to fallow lands.
It can cause pests and weeds to develop hazards.
It employs mono-culturing.

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