Explain the importance of lithosphere
The lithosphere is largely important because it is the area that the biosphere inhabit and live upon. ... when the biosphere interacts with the lithosphere, organic compounds can become buried in the crust, and dug up as oil, coal and natural gas. that we can use the fuels...
Lithosphere: It is the solid crust and hard top part of the earth. It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered with a thick layer of soil. It is not a smooth surface as you see in a globe, but has high mountains, plateaus or high lands, low plains, deep valleys and very deep basins which are filled with water (oceans). Many of these features shaped by wind and water. When the lithosphere heats due to sunrays or cool down, it influences air and water too. Humans and most other living beings leave in this area of the earth. We use the rocks and soils and other things found in this hard crust, in many ways.