Economy, asked by bandekarcrcom, 1 year ago

Explain the important issues which are crucial and hence need to be addressed in India’s trade policy.


Answered by djyothirganesh27


do to to x all so do to el xl fl do do do do an ex in en la fl oz fl ye fl oz fb to in fl oz fl oz tk it fl offer it an ox xl of cu hg pc fl part ta den ox fl by us do of cu cu is all bhi is el of cu so el fl by gi fl oz fl use so is en fl oz day do do is still y


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Answered by queensp73


India's foreign trade policy id regulated by the Foreign trade and development regulation act 1992 .

It explains what type of decisions have to be taken by the government when it comes to export as well as the import of the country  , it includes exports promotion measures so that to facilitate in increasing export and aims at solving the problem faced by the exporters. It also led to carter the foreign trade as well as the favorable balance of the payments position.


hope it helps u


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