Biology, asked by londichiyi, 10 months ago



Answered by Anonymous

Good morning dear have a good day

Personality, psychosocial work environment, leadership

Personality, psychosocial work environment, leadershipIntroduction

Personality, psychosocial work environment, leadershipIntroductionPersonality has been of interest in organizational research for decades and in recent years the interest has flourished even more [1]. Indeed, the vast research contributions within this field have provided valuable knowledge about associations between personality traits and the psychosocial work environment [1]. These findings have also raised new questions, for instance if there are associations with and differences in perceptions of the psychosocial work environment between different levels of health-related personality traits. This will be further investigated in this paper.

Personality, psychosocial work environment, leadershipIntroductionPersonality has been of interest in organizational research for decades and in recent years the interest has flourished even more [1]. Indeed, the vast research contributions within this field have provided valuable knowledge about associations between personality traits and the psychosocial work environment [1]. These findings have also raised new questions, for instance if there are associations with and differences in perceptions of the psychosocial work environment between different levels of health-related personality traits. This will be further investigated in this paper.Personality and psychosocial work environment assessments

Personality, psychosocial work environment, leadershipIntroductionPersonality has been of interest in organizational research for decades and in recent years the interest has flourished even more [1]. Indeed, the vast research contributions within this field have provided valuable knowledge about associations between personality traits and the psychosocial work environment [1]. These findings have also raised new questions, for instance if there are associations with and differences in perceptions of the psychosocial work environment between different levels of health-related personality traits. This will be further investigated in this paper.Personality and psychosocial work environment assessmentsWithin research, personality is commonly organized into five main domains or traits according to the Five Factor Model. The main traits are Extraversion (e.g. positive), Neuroticism (e.g. negative), Conscientiousness (e.g. organized), Openness (e.g. curious) and Agreeableness (e.g. sympathetic) [2,3]. Previous research has reported that personality is related to perceptions of the work environment. More specifically, the trait negative affectivity (a facet of neuroticism) has been associated with job strain and job stressors. Higher levels of negative affectivity are associated with higher levels of perceived job stressors and strain for instance [4,5]. Personality in relation to job satisfaction has also been extensively investigated in the scientific literature [6–11]. The main findings indicate that conscientiousness and extraversion are positive predictors of job satisfaction whereas neuroticism and negative affectivity are negatively related predictors. This means that individuals who are prone to be joyful, pleasant, outgoing and well-organized experience higher job satisfaction and those who are prone to be anxious and distressed tend to experience lower job satisfaction. The results of various studies are however difficult to compare as measures of job satisfaction and personality differ between studies. It has furthermore been found that personality partly influences leadership assessments [12,13]. More specifically, employees who score high in the personality traits extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness and low in neuroticism perceive more transformational or charismatic leadership (i.e. leader characteristics such as being inspirational, encouraging, supporting etc.) [12,14]. A possible explanation for these findings is the theory of similarity. The theoretical assumption is that when employees perceive they share certain behaviors and traits with their leader; such as being highly extrovert and agreeable, they are more likely to perceive them as transformational leaders [15,16]. These theoretical perspectives are indeed interesting, as leadership assessments may be challenging to interpret and understand [17]. A better understanding of why we perceive certain leader characteristics the way we do would most likely make leadership assessments easier to interpret. In practical terms, a better understanding of the constituents for perceptions of leadership could for instance guide leadership training interventions and programs. This may, as a result, make it easier for leaders to adapt their communication and leadership styles for more optimal outcomes

hope it will help you mark as brainlist answer plz

Answered by banothpandarilal


Previous research has reported that personality is related to perceptions of the work environment. More specifically, the trait negative affectivity (a facet of neuroticism) has been associated with job strain and job stressors


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