Science, asked by Ankit1234, 1 year ago

Explain the law of conservation of mass.......... please answer in atleast 50 words

Ankit1234: hey friend it is law of conservation of momentum...
Ankit1234: please answer for law of conservation of momentum


Answered by Fuschia
The law of conservation of mass stated that
"Mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction".
This law was put forward by Antoine Lavoisier.

It means that in any chemical reaction, the total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products . It is also known as law of indestructibility of matter.
Answered by Anonymous
There are 2 laws of chemical combination , which were established by  Antoine Lavoisier and  Joseph . L . Proust. They are -
1.Law of Conservation of Mass
2.Law of Constant Proportion OR Law of definite Proportions.

Law of Conservation of Mass
Law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction

i.e  Total Mass of reactants = Total Mass of products

Law of conservation of momentum

Law of conservation of momentum states that -When two or more bodies acts upon each other their total momentum remains constant provided no external forces are acting.
∴ momentum is neither created nor destroyed.
This law is  applicable for all types of collisions between two bodies.

Momentum is denoted by p
∴p = mv, , m is mass in kg and v is velocity in m/s.

The SI UNIT for momentum is kg m/s.
René Descartes, Christiaan Huygens, and Sir Isaac Newton are those who  contributed to momentum and the law of conservation of momentum.

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