Explain the meaning of the following phrases:(a) A yellow wood. (b) bent in the undergrowth. (c) trodden black.
Hello mate,
Here is your answer,
a) It is "a yellow wood," which establishes the poem's autumnal setting. He emphasizes the season by then mentioning the fallen leaves which have not been disturbed. By setting the poem in the empty woods in autumn, Frost creates a sense of silence and a tone of melancholy in the poem.
b)Literally, then, to say that the road "bent in the undergrowth" means that, at a certain point, the speaker can no longer see which direction the road goes. The undergrowth obscures the road's direction from the speaker's sight. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, he cannot see where it leads or where it ends.
c)Of the two roads the speaker says “the passing there / Had worn them really about the same.” In fact, both roads “that morning lay / In leaves no step had trodden black.” Meaning: Neither of the roads is less traveled by.
Hello mate,
Here is your answer,
a) It is "a yellow wood," which establishes the poem's autumnal setting. He emphasizes the season by then mentioning the fallen leaves which have not been disturbed. By setting the poem in the empty woods in autumn, Frost creates a sense of silence and a tone of melancholy in the poem.
b)Literally, then, to say that the road "bent in the undergrowth" means that, at a certain point, the speaker can no longer see which direction the road goes. The undergrowth obscures the road's direction from the speaker's sight. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, he cannot see where it leads or where it ends.
c)Of the two roads the speaker says “the passing there / Had worn them really about the same.” In fact, both roads “that morning lay / In leaves no step had trodden black.” Meaning: Neither of the roads is less traveled by.