English, asked by rishithreddynelaturi, 1 month ago

Explain the meaning of the following words from the chapter and make your own sentences.
1. Martyrs
2. Upstart
3. Conquest
4. Dethroned​


Answered by pinkypatidar48

1. Martyry-- A person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.A person who is put to death or endures great suffering of behalf of any belief , principal, cause etc.

2. upstart-- One of that has risen suddenly( as from a low position to wealth or power ) One that claims more personal importance that is warranted. the start up enterprise.

3. Conquest -- The act or state of conquering or state of being conquered. vanquishment, a person who favor, affection etc.

4. Dethroned -- To remove from a throne or place of power or prominence dethroned a king trying to dethroned the champion.

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