English, asked by CianoBenelene, 5 months ago

Explain the meaning of the song if i were a boy


Answered by viiicyashyashika

This song is clearly saying That if she could be a boy she would treat her partner with respect and treat her right. She's clearly saying that men or boys don't know how it feels to get hurt by the person they love." i think i could understand" "how it feels to love girl i swear i be a better man" If She was boy she would treat the girl right. Also How girls get fed up with all the things that the guy does and hurts them so much and they don't realize that.At the end she lets go and realize that shes needs a person that does treat her right and values her.And when the boy or men realize their mistakes it would be too late for them.They would wish to back in time to fix everything.

This is about how Beyonce is sick of how much males get away with, especially in regard to the way they treat females, and she talks about how they don't understand how it feels when they treat women this way. She talks about how she would act if the roles were reversed. At the end if the song, she says that it's too late for this person to change and she's going to find someone to resistance.

That boys think it's ok to treat women badly because other men think they deserve it or their 'just lads' when really a real man wouldnt act like that in the first place, just because other boys do it it's ok well their boys and they'll lose the one they wanted because they act the fool and thing it's ok to be ville.

In 1997, the year that Beyoncé's girl-band Destiny's Child signed its first record, one commentator called the Spice Girls' "Girl Power!" "a kind of ad agency version of what nineties feminism has become: a safe form of self-expression that has more to do with changing your hairstyle than changing the world" (source). Another complained that the album Spice had "put the sexual clock back by decades.

Really good song that represents the new feminist movement.

It's about boys that hurt girls and get away with it because they don't know the pain of being hurt as a girl.

I believe when she was writing this song she was going through her tough times and how the whole society was falling to its feet because of the personalities of some men. Not all men are disrespectful and i think she was also trying to say that in this song as well.

I would say this song is about the sexist society that females have to deal with, with regards to relationships but also mainly sexuality. The song backs up the idea of our society being ‘a mans world’ in the respect that males get away with a lot more than females do, particularity with how they value, treat and view women.

She doesn't understand boys so she minorly stereotypes them while trying to define them.

I think this song is talking about how a girl is getting fed up with the way men treat them.

I think it's about a girl who is fed up with how her guy treats her, and how she would act if the roles were reversed.

I think its about how boys can get away with murder and treating girls badly without any consequences, they can just shrug it off without realising how much they have hurt their partner just because they are a 'lad'.

She's singing about what would happen if their positions were switched over so he would get to feel her pain.




Answered by Mruday001


song is a feeling of heart it may be happenss

in your life.

in my life songs have a big role in my life.

many types of songs are there but depend in your mod like romantic songs etc.

which type of songs most leson.

comment me ok.


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