Explain the method used to produce good quality seeds?
Select a fertile field.
Use clean, good quality seed.
Plow, puddle and level the field well to control weeds and improve water management.
If transplanting, plant young (15−20 d) seedlings from a healthy, weed-free nursery at two per hill at 22.5 cm x 22.5 cm spacing.
Apply balanced nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulfur, and Zinc) as per crop demand.
Keep the crop free of weeds, insect pests and diseases.
At maximum tillering and flowering, rogue off-types (by plant height, appearance, flowering time, etc.) and poor, diseased or insect damaged plants, or plants with discolored panicles.
Harvest at full maturity and 20−25% moisture content (80−85% of the grains are straw-colored).
Thresh, clean, dry (12−14% moisture content), grade and label the harvested seed.
Store the labeled seed in sealed clean containers placed in a cool, dry, and clean area.