Explain the multiple desktops feature of Windows 10. Class 6 Short answer pls
Picture this, a very cluttered task bar with 17 active running apps and programs all stacked up at your fingertips, with only one desktop. Now the alternative being say half of them running in one Desktop and half in the other. Realistically speaking the half in the desktop not currently being used will be set to background tasks so will use less resources, than the one in the current desktop.
If you are running 2 desktops with nothing running than yes 2 desktops will take more resources than one, but if as in the example above, you are using them efficiently to separate the stuff that you are active on from the stuff you are not actively using then you can minimize resources not needed right now into a small system load rather than a much larger one.
I use multiple desktops in both linux and windows to increase my system performance with great results, it not only makes the work space less cluttered but also allows your system resources to focus on the task at hand.
Multiple desktops are great for keeping unrelated, ongoing projects organized, or for quickly switching desktops before a meeting.
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