explain the nature and scope of political science?
Nature of Political Science
•Political Science is a part of social sciences and
therefore is different from that of physical sciences
like physics and chemistry.
•So the question which concerns the nature of the
subject is whether Political Science is a Science or an
Art and how the nature of the discipline has
undergone changes in the 20th century.
Scope of Political Science
Political science as a discipline deals with various aspects like:
•Study of state and government- it deals with the nature and formationof the State and tries to understand various forms and functions of the
•Study of associations and institutions- in organized way thefundamental problems of political science include, first, an investigationof the origin and the nature of the state, second an inquiry into the nature,history and forms of political institutions and third, deduction, therefore,so far as possible, of laws of political growth and development.
Scope of Political Science. Political science as a discipline deals with various aspects like: ➢Study of state and government- it deals with the nature and formation. of the State and tries to understand various forms and functions of the government. ➢Study of associations and institutions- in organized way the.
I hope it's helpful