Geography, asked by revathirao33, 1 year ago

Explain the need for conservation of resources


Answered by tshrpl

To understand this question, first let me clear the meaning of resources ...

Resource is anything, absolutely anything you can use. Sometimes they benifit you, sometimes they don't. Think of that phone you always keep with you, or the hours of sleep.

Ok, so why should we "conserve" resources? well that can be easily understood by the two examples I gave you earlier. Why should you keep your phone safe, or why should you sleep at all? simply because they benifit you, atleast most of the time. The phone has information about you, very valuable and important information. If you lose your phone, you'll have a hard time remembering your loved one's contact details, or talking to your friends in the private chat.... and if you sleep less or more, it'll affect your health adversely..... so, that means resources are "important".

similarly, if you're not so "rich", you'll have to wait for some time to buy that new iphone you want, or you would have to go for cheap alternatives. That also means resources are also "limited".

so what do you do when things are important and limited..... yes, you conserve them, either for future use or just to keep the supply coming.

there are two main ways to conserve anything:

(i) save them, reduce overuse

(ii) plan ahead

Now, let's come to "natural resources", things you get from nature. As an example, we'll talk about water.

so what is water used for? for drinking of course, and for hygiene ... these are essential for life itself, therfore water is essential for life too. Also, water is used for washing, cooking and washing and cooking and washing, washing, washing and washing....

so, water is very important ..... and is it limited?

to give to an idea, the total volume of water in earth is 1.386 billion km³, the total mass (not weight) is 1.4 × 1018 tonnes or 0.023% of Earth's total mass or 326 quintillion gallons or 1233.91 quintillion liters (heck, that is too much).

so why do we need to conserve water if we have so much of that?? because only 3% os all that is fresh water, that we can use for drinking, washing, cooking .... that means 8.4 million liters (2.2 million gallons) is available for every person on the planet on avarage, but that is more than enough for us right? I mean how much do you need to live 100 years? 5 miilion litres? 6 million? (actually 5 million for 80 years)

again, the world population is not limited to us only! there are many, many people who still have not yet born , because we got the chance before them (through natural selection of course, I do not believe in god). So, it is our duty to make the world a good place for them. one solution to this problem is to make more water at very low cost (which is being figured out by scientists). another solution is to clean the junk water (in oceans), more technically known as salt water (because they contain salts, too much salt). But that is too expensive now. Also did I told you that the average amount of water I told you is way off the actual amount people in poor countries, deserts and slums get (less than 1 million litres in life for a family of four). so, that means it is really a big problem !!!!!!!!

So how to solve the problem of water? Apply the two ways I showed you earlier. Save and Plan, or in more technical lingo, reduce, reuse, recycle and sustainable development. also, I didn't told you about the water cycle (also plays a major role in water conservation).

In a similar fashion, everything in nature has to be conserved. from electricity, to trees, food and the atmosphere. Also, don't forget the birds, animals and insects. Everything is important (except me of course, I was a mistake) and limited. Therefore we should conserve the nature and the things it gifts us with.

thanks for reading

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