Sociology, asked by Neerajsonu17, 10 months ago

explain the negative impacts of corruption on society?​


Answered by anusy2850


Corruption can take many forms that vary in degree from the minor use of influence to institutionalized bribery. Transparency International’s definition of corruption is: “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. This can mean not only financial gain but also non-financial advantages

Answered by gratefuljarette

Greed for capital. Wishes. Higher price rates and a financial monopolization. Small rates of accountability, poor political participation and limited consistency of government. Higher rate of waste and wasteful red tape.


  • Corruption may take several forms that range in degree from underusing power to institutionalized corruption.
  • Transparency International's concept of corruption is: "abuse of the authority entrusted to private advantage" It can imply both financial advantage and non-financial gains
  • While corruption inflates market prices, it often distorts the field of investigation and practice, protecting companies from competition-related relations and thereby maintaining ineffective businesses. Corruption will directly impact the effective marginal tax rate for the company.

Learn more about corruption:

Solutions for corruption indicating of corruption​

Creation of awareness on corruption and anti corruption

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