Sociology, asked by eunikramdinpuii123, 1 year ago

Explain the notion of "growth with justice"?


Answered by mrsmarty2

Social justice is defined as “... promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.Economic growth with social justice means that in development, the needs of the common man must take precedent over other considerations. This is not often realized because we are obsessed with western models.

Answered by karthiknayak11

ECONOMIC growth and social justice cannot be spoken of in universal, lime- less terms. In fact, we cannot legitimately confound the relationship as it existed between these two variables, for example in England at the period pf her greatest growth, with that which prevails in India today. In England, industrialisation took place initially in a context where 'pauperism' was sought to be dealt with in its own terms


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