English, asked by TheMandy, 1 year ago

Explain the observation "There is no king who has not a slave among his ancestors , and no slave who has not had a king among his" with reference to Story of My Life - Helen Keller


Answered by pakhi6

This is a very beautiful and powerful quote or saying.
There isn't any king who has not been slave among his ancestors , from this line it's saying that we cannot call a person absolute king becuase one day he would also be a slave, he is also in the level of slave. The king could be slave among his ancestors .
There isn't any slave who has not been king among his own, it tells that slaves are also king among their own, may be they are slave for others, but are powerful king among their own and their family.

This saying was said by Helen Keller.
The meaning of this quote simply means to teach us that we all are equal, if there is a king, he would also be a slave one day, and if there is a slave, he would also be king of his own.

Thank you ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪
Hope it helps you.....

TheMandy: Thanks for explaining it so beautifully
pakhi6: it's my pleasure :-)
aishowrya: Awsm pakhi sista^^ Nice1 !!!
pakhi6: thanks^^
pakhi6: Thanks
Answered by Kingsofkingabhik

this observation unfolds the mystery of nature and her systematic working. king and slave e go cheek by jowl and vice versa. If there is a Slave there must be a king. It is because one has no entity without the existence of the other. In every person's ancestory there was some who were rich and some who were poor. Some who was Noble and some who was evil at heart but one cannot let the past ancestory play with the future. One needs to learn from the past good or bad and influence the present and future. We name something white because there is something black also. Without the existence of night' day has no significance and entity. There is no singular coincidence in this phenomena. It is all natural.

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