Sociology, asked by cute348, 1 year ago

Explain the pattern of distribution of formal and informal sources of credit among various sections of society


Answered by viratjagetiya


1. The informal financial sector provides 1. Formal financial institutions ignore small

savings and credit facilities for small farmers, lower-income households, and small-

farmers in rural areas, and for lower- scale enterprises in favour of a larger-scale,

income households and small-scale well-off, and literate clientele which can

enterprises in urban areas. satisfy their stringent loan conditions.

2. The procedures of informal schemes are 2. Complex administrative procedures are beyond

usually simple and straightforward; as the understanding of the rural masses and small

they emanate from local cultures and savers.

customs, they are easily understood by

the population.

3. The informal sector mobilises rural 3. Formal financial institutions do not mobilize

savings and small savings from low-income rural savings or small-scale deposits. Commercial

urban househods. banks could contribute to rural and small savings

mobilization if they had adequate branch networks

and if they adopted the relevant procedures.

4. Informal groups operate at times and on 4. The working days and opening hours of formal

days which are convenient for their financial institutions do not take rural work

members. schedules into account;banks are oopen at times when

farmers are at work in their feilds.

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