Biology, asked by sagarmaatha, 11 months ago

explain the physiological changes that take place during adolescence​


Answered by ankita6092


change in height,growing hairs under arms,change in voice,

Answered by Anonymous
First Signs of Puberty

Puberty often begins earlier than parents think:


Breast budding in girls starts around age ten, with some girls starting as early as eight and others not starting until thirteen.

Girls should be checked by their pediatrician if they begin puberty before age eight.

The peak growth pe­riod (in height, weight, muscle mass, and the like) in girls occurs about one year after puberty has begun.

Menstruation usually starts about 18 months to two years af­ter the onset of puberty. On average, the first menses occur just before girls turn thirteen.

If a girl shows no signs of puberty by age 13, consult with your pediatrician.

See Physical Development in Girls: What to Expect.


Boys enter puberty about one year later than girls. The first sign is enlarge­ment of the testes and a thinning and reddening of the scrotum, which hap­pens at an average age of eleven but may occur anytime between nine to fourteen years.

Boys should be checked by their pediatrician if they begin puberty before age nine.  

For boys, the peak growth period occurs about two years after the beginning of puberty.

If a boy shows no signs of puberty by age 14, consult with your pediatrician.

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