explain the principle of vandy craft generator and also explain construction and working with diagram..??
What is vandy craft generator?
The Van De Graaff Generator is basically an electrostatic machine that can generate high voltages. A typical Van De Graaff Generator consists of an insulating belt that transports electrical charge to a terminal. The charges that are sent on the belt are generated through a high voltage DC supply. These charges are collected in the inside of the terminal and transferred to its external surface.
How it works:
The Van De Graaff generator works simply on the principle of static electricity. All matter, as we know is made up of atoms which further constituted of electrons, neutrons and protons. Electrons carry negative charge whereas protons are considered to be positively charged. When the number of electrons and protons remain the same, the matter is considered to be neutral in charge. A negatively charged matter has more number of electrons than protons while the opposite holds true for a positively charged matter. Electrons can flow from one matter to another.
When two materials are rubbed together, a flow of electrons can take place depending on the triboelectric properties. When such a transfer occurs, the material that lost electrons will become positively charged and the one that gained electrons becomes negatively charged. This basically how static electricity is generated.
A Van de Graaff generator creates static electricity. The current generated by a Van De Graaff generator remains the same, while the voltage changes according to the applied load. A very simple Van De Graaff generator is made of the following:
A motor
Rollers, two in number
Insulated belt
Brush assemblies, two in number
Metal sphere as the output terminal
The motor is required to turn the belt at a constant speed around the two rollers. The lower roller is built of a material that has a stronger triboelectric property. Now when the motor starts turning the belt around the lower roller, electrons are captured from the insulated belt onto the lower roller. Slowly more and more charge becomes concentrated on the roller. This phenomenon of concentration of charge results in repelling the electrons from the tips of the brush assembly. It also starts to attract electrons from the air molecules between the lower roller and brush assembly. Due to this phenomenon, the positively charged air molecules get carried on the belt away from the negatively charged roller. The belt therefore gets charged positively and moves towards the upper rollers.
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Van de Graaff generator
A Van de Graaff generator is an electrostatic dynamo.
- American physicist, Robert J. Van de Graaff was the man following this discovery.
- It utilises a changing belt that stores charge on a round metal arrangement. This arrangement has a form of a spheroid, located on the top of a line that is protecting in nature.
Thus, it produces a very large electrical potential in the form of a few million volts. This happens in a very high electric range. We use this electrical track to stimulate loaded particles.
Working Principle of The Generator
Let us examine a big round shell of Radius R. If we put a load of magnitude Q on such a field, the load will increase evenly over the exterior of the field.
- The electrical field inside the field is zero, and that outside the field is due to the load Q at the middle of the field. So, the potential surface is that of a time load; and in it is connected. We, thus, have:
- Inherent inside handling round shell of radius R taking charge Q = fixed and is as complies
- Let us put a small field at the middle of the big one so that the radius of the more petite field is r and the load over its exterior is q. At the outside of the little sphere:
- At the big globular shell of radius R:
- If we recognise the total load in the order, that is, q and Q, then the complete inherent power due to the order of charges is:
To learn more:
why is the belt of a van de graaff generator made of insulating why is ...
Van de Graff generator is a machine which generates - Brainly.in