Explain the process of digestion in small intestine of human.
What is digestion ?
» Digestion is the process of breaking down large food particles into small particles.
How does it start ?
- It starts from the Mouth and ends out from anus.
- Food particles goes down the Mouth through food pipe and in the stomach than out through anus.
- When the food enters the stomach, the hydrochloric acid breaks down the food particles.
- After breaking down the food particles, they then go to the small intestine where they are broken down into much smaller particles.
- Food particles that cannot be broken down are released as waste products of the body through anus.
When the chyme is passed to the small intestine the pancreas releases pancreatic juice and bile juice (alkaline in nature) from the liver. They have a common passage.
The bile juice helps in the emulsification of fat.
Emulsification of fat = The breakdown of large fat globules into simpler fat globules in the presence of bile juice is called emulsification of fat
Pancreatic juice contains amylase, pancreatic lipase, trypsinogen and mucus.
Amylase = Amylase is a digestive enzyme that acts on starch in food, breaking it down into smaller carbohydrate molecules. ... Pancreatic amylase completes the digestion of carbohydrates, producing glucose, a small molecule that is absorbed into your blood and carried throughout your body
Pancreatic lipase = Lipase enzyme breaks down dietary fats into smaller molecules known as glycerol and fatty acids. A little quantity of lipase, known as gastric lipase is produced by the cells of the stomach. This enzyme mainly digests fat present in the food.
Trypsinogen = The trypsinogen enters the small intestine through the common bile duct and is converted to active trypsin. This active trypsin acts with the other two principal digestive proteinases — pepsin and chymotrypsin — to break down dietary protein into peptides and amino acids.
The digested food gets absorbed by finger-like projection in the inner lining of the small intestine which increases the surface area or volume of the small intestine to increase the concentration of absorption of digestive food.