Biology, asked by tasneempatait, 2 months ago

explain the process of double fertilization​


Answered by impanadechamma


Double fertilization is observed only in angiosperms. It involves two types of fusions in the embryo sac:

Fusion of sperm cell (male gamete) with egg cell (female gamete) to form a diploid zygote. This process is known as syngamy or generative fertilization.

Fusion of the other sperm cell with two polar nuclei to form primary endosperm cell containing triploid nucleus also known as primary endosperm nucleus (PEN). This process is known as triple fusion as it involves fusion of three haploid nuclei. The zygote gradually develops into an embryo and central cell becomes primary endosperm cell (PEC) and eventually develops into endosperm.

Double fertilization gives stimulus to other cells of embryo sac to resume their growth and form nutritive tissue to ensure that developing embryo gets proper nutrition for formation of viable seed.

Since formation of endosperm takes place after zygote formation, angiosperms ensures that energy used in formation of endosperm is not wasted if fertilization fails. Hence, angiosperms are more advanced and economical as compared to gymnosperms where large nutritive female gametophyte develops much before fertilization and if fertilization does not occur all the energy used in formation of nutritive tissue is wasted.

Triploid nature of endosperm makes it more vigorous. It shows high physiological activity, grows faster and accumulates nutrients.


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Answered by Durgaradhaa

The significance of double fertilization in angiosperms can be elaborated in the following points:

  • As there are only two fusions; only two products are formed.
  • The secondary product of fertilization – triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) – evolves into a nutritive tissue...
  • The diploid condition in the life cycle is retained in the product of the fusion process. The diploid zygote evolves...
  • The process of double fertilization consists of the usage of both the male gametes formed by a pollen grain.

Hope it helpzzz you well.

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